5 |
A Preliminary Study for the Standardization of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development for Korean Infants
Moon Ja Chung,Un Hai Rhee,Kyung Ja Park
Korean J Child Stud.1993;14(1):5-21.
23 |
The Development of Competence in Rational Counting , Addition and Subtraction in Three - , Four - and Five - Year - Old Children
Eun Soo Shin,Eun Jung Kim,So Hyang Kim
Korean J Child Stud.1993;14(1):23-37.
39 |
The Effects of Traditional and Reversed Sex - Typed VTR Programs on Preschool Children's Sex Role Stereotypes
Yeon Ae Hong,Ock Boon Chung
Korean J Child Stud.1993;14(1):39-57.
59 |
Post - Divorce Adjustment : The Experience of the School Children and Adolescents
Hyun Sook Chung
Korean J Child Stud.1993;14(1):59-75.
77 |
Cognitive Style and Interpersonal Problem Solving Ability among 5 - , 7 - , and 9 - year - olds
Yun Joo Chyung,Soon Hyung Yi
Korean J Child Stud.1993;14(1):77-89.
91 |
The Social and Cognitive Development of Only Children
Na Lee Song,Seong Yeon Park
Korean J Child Stud.1993;14(1):91-107.
109 |
Compensatory Support Among Children's Peer Relationships : School Friends , Nonschool Friends , and Sibilings
Yong Joo Choi,Jae Yaon Lee
Korean J Child Stud.1993;14(1):109-127.
129 |
Children's Self - Esteem : Dimensions and Development
Hee Haw Kim,Kyong Yun Kim
Korean J Child Stud.1993;14(1):129-139.
141 |
A Study on the Relations Among Children's Locus of Control , Self - Concept and Self - Attribution
Soo Kyeong Woo,Kee Young Choi
Korean J Child Stud.1993;14(1):141-151.
153 |
Children's Recall of Social Behavioral Information about Others
Ae Ran Kwon
Korean J Child Stud.1993;14(1):153-166.
167 |
Mother - Adolescent Communication Patterns and Ego - Identity Development in Adolescents
Hye Jin Kwon,Chang Hee Yoon
Korean J Child Stud.1993;14(1):167-177.