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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 19(2); 1998 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 1998;19(2): 49-64.
아동의 문제행동에 영향을 미치는 위기요인과 보호요인의 이론적 과정모델
이선경, 이재연
The Effects of Risk Factors and Protective Factors on Childrens Problem Behavior : The Theoretical Process Model
Seon Kyung Lee,Jae Yeon Lee
The theoretical process model was used to study problem behavior of children growing up at-risk. A sample of 339 children living in at-risk families were selected from among 2, 134 children in grades 4, 5, and 6 of five elementary schools in Seoul. The instruments were five risk factor scales and four protective factor scales. The Child Behavior Checklist was also used. The results of the hypothetical model of children at-risk showed that the factor of socioeconomic status led to positive child rearing attitudes in mothers, which is turn influenced children`s problem behavior indirectly. In contrast, stressful life events and mother`s depression influenced children`s problem behavior directly. However, negative family functioning, marital discord and father`s depression did not influence mother`s child rearing attitudes or children`s problem behavior. Mother`s child rearing attitudes directly influenced children`s social competence and academic achievement and indirectly influenced their problem behavior. Academic achievement did not influence problem behavior directly, but social competence influenced it directly. Mother`s child rearing attitude was the most significant factor affecting children`s adaptation.
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