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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 21(3); 2000 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2000;21(3): 5-23.
아동의 정서지능과 자아존중감의 특성 및 상호 관계
Characteristics and Relationships of Emotional Intelligence and Self - Esteem in Children
Young Yae Park,Young Hee Choi,In Jeon Park
This study of the characteristics and the relationships of children`s emotional intelligence (EQ) and self-esteem had a sample of 1060 5th grade children. The rank order of four EQ factors from highest to lowest was "perception of emotion", "other-regulation and self-expression", "self-regulation and emotion utilization", and "empathy". Among self-esteem factors, "general self-worth" had the highest correlation with overall self-esteem; "physical appearance" was most strongly correlated with "general self-worth". Relationships between EQ and self-esteem showed that higher EQ was associated with higher self-esteem. Among EQ factors, "other-regulation and self-expression" was the strongest predictor of "behavioral conduct." The next strongest predictor of self-esteem among EQ factors was "self-regulation and utilization of emotion". Other self-esteem factors well predicted by EQ were "general self-worth", and "scholastic competence".
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