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Korean J Child Stud > Volume 25(2); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(2): 1-18.
아동의 기질과 대안적 문제 해결사고 전략의 발달과 그 관계에 관한 연구
김현옥 , 우남희
The Relation Between Development of Children`s Temperament and Alternative Problem Solving Strategies
Kim Hyeon Og , U Nam Hui
This study examined the relation between children`s interpersonal problem solving strategies and their temperament. Two hundred and fifty nine children of the 3rd and the 5th grades were chosen from 3 elementary schools as the subjects. Data from two hundreds and six children were analysed. Alternative problem solving strategies as one of children`s interpersonal problem solving strategies and their temperament were analysed according to their grade, sex, and the target persons. Children showed age and sex differences in using strategies; the 3rd graders used more solutions than the 5th graders in affirmative strategies and the girls used more solutions than the boys in affirmative strategies, but showed no differences in using negative strategies. In temperament, the 3rd graders were higher in Persistence than the 5th graders, the boys were higher in activity and the girls were higher in mood. Temperament of the children had relations with their using alternative problem solving strategies when the target persons were peers or teachers but not mothers. Persistence and mood, which are the subcategories of temperament had relations with affirmative strategies for the 3rd graders.
Key Words: Interpersonal cognitive problem-solving, alternative solution thought, Children`s Temperament
주요어: 대인문제 해결, 대안적 사고, 아동의 기질
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