학령 초기 자녀의 부모용 양육행동 척도 개발 및 타당화 |
이선희 , 도현심 |
The Development and Validation of a Parenting Behavior Scale for Parents of Early School-Age Children |
Sun Hee Rhee , Hyun Sim Doh |
Abstract |
This study was conducted in order to develop a parenting behavior scale for parents of school-age children and to analyze the scale in terms of both reliability and validity. Data were collected from a sample of mothers of 1st to 3rd grade students in four elementary schools located in Seoul. 778 mothers were administered a parenting behavior scale with 123 items, and 779 mothers were asked to verify the validity of the developed scale in which 45 items remained after a series of analyses. Data were analyzed by means of exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and correlation analysis. The results of factor analysis identified five factors, Warmth, Reasoning, Intrusiveness, Coercion, and Neglect. The Cronbach`s a of each factor demonstrated results of .82~.86, suggesting that the scale had adequate internal consistency. Concurrent validity was established by using correlations between mothers` parenting behaviors and children`s social competence. Moreover, cross-validation was also verified for the five factors. Considering the reliability and validity of this scale, it can clearly serve as a useful tool for assessing parenting behavior which is closely related to child development. |
Key Words:
parenting behavior scale, early school-age children, development of scale, validation |
양육행동 척도, 학령 초기 아동, 척도개발, 타당화 |