Korean Journal of Child Studies 2004;25(4): 71-92.
2세 영아-교사간 상호작용에 관한 문화기술적 연구
장영희 , 곽승주
An Ethnographic Study on Interaction Between Toddlers and Teachers
Young Hee Chang , Seung Ju Kwak
The purpose of this ethnographic study was to observe and understand interactions of toddlers and teachers in context. Specific questions were "What are the motives and features of the interactions between toddlers and teacher?" Subjects were twenty 2-year-old daycare children and their teachers. Methods covered 11 weeks of interviews and participatory observation. The major findings were that the interactions between toddlers and teachers was mainly initiated by toddlers and consist of physiological and emotional needs, conflict mediation and participation in play. As toddler get to the age of self-recognition but still need adult`s assistance, the co-existence of dependence and independence was evident. Children used a variety of`verbal and non-verbal signals with both positive and non-positive overtons.