만 5세 유아의 읽기능력, 어휘력과 개인,환경 변인이 초등학교 1학년 읽기이해능력과 어휘력에 미치는 영향
이기숙 , 김순환 , 정종원
The Impact of Reading Ability and Vocabulary at Age 5 and Personal Environment Variables of Children on First Grade Reading Comprehension Ability and Vocabulary
Ki Sook Lee , Soon Hwan Kim , Jong Won Jeong
This study sought to examine the impact of reading ability and vocabulary at age 5, as well as analyzing the impact which children`s gender, parental education level and family income level has on reading comprehension ability and vocabulary at the first grade level in primary school. The study also sought to compare the characteristics of the results obtained in Korea and Japan on this particular research topic. For the Korean part of the study, 328 first grade Korean children, who had participated in the initial testing as five-year olds and agreed to participate in the longitudinal study were tested; whereas in Japan, 215 students were tested. The study results indicated that, in the case of Korea, reading comprehension ability in the first grade was affected by vocabulary and reading abilities at age 5, gender, as well as the mother`s education level, in that order. In Japan, it was affected in the order of vocabulary, gender, and father`s education level. In terms of first grade vocabulary, in the case of Korea, it was affected in the order of vocabulary and reading ability at age 5 and father`s education level; whereas in Japan, it was affected in the order of vocabulary, gender, and reading ability. In both Korea and Japan, at age 5, vocabulary was shown to have a more significant impact than reading ability on both of language ability and vocabulary in the subsequent primary school period. As such, it can be seen that more interest should be shown not only in the ability to read at age 5 but also in expanding the vocabulary of children at this age through appropriate interaction and support.