쓰기지도 프로그램과 프로그램에서 사용된 그림책 유형의 차이가 유아의 기초쓰기와 창의적 쓰기에 미치는 영향 |
조경선 , 현은자 |
The Effects of a Writing Program and the Type of Picture Book Used on the Early Stages of Writing and Creative Writing in Young Children |
Kyung Seon Cho , Eun Ja Hyun |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a writing program and the type of picture book used on the early stages of writing and creative writing in young children. The different stages of writing amongst young children was divided into an early stage of writing for pre-schoolers and creative writing for spontaneous expression and problem solving. The subjects comprised 36 children aged 5 from a child daycare center in Seoul. Among the KISE-BAAT and Creative tests, the writing test and creative writing test were used. The early stage of writing and creative writing were both analyzed by means of both ANCOVA and T-test. Firstly, in the subscale of the early stage of writing(ability to mark, use vocabulary, create sentences and text construction), the early stage writing of the experiment group scored higher than that of the comparison group. Secondly, in terms of the type of picture books, the group using informational picture books had greater effects on the early stage of writing than the group using narrative picture books. Thirdly, the writing program itself had a positive effect on creative writing. In the subscale of creative writing (fluency, flexibility, novelty), the group using informational picture books made greater progress in fluency and novelty than the group using narrative picture books. |
Key Words:
Writing Program, Creative Writing, Informational Picture Book, Narrative Picture Book, Early Stage of Writing |
쓰기지도프로그램, 창의적 글쓰기, 정보그림책, 이야기그림책, 기초쓰기 |