교사의 놀이성과 놀이교수효능감의 관계:긍정적 놀이신념의 매개역할 |
권혜진 |
The Mediating Effect of Teachers` Positive Beliefs about Children`s Play on the Relationship between Playfulness in Teachers and Teaching Efficacy on Children`s Play |
Hye Jin Kwon |
Abstract |
This study focused on the relationship among playfulness in teachers, teaching efficacy on play and teachers` positive play beliefs in a sample of 151 teachers working childcare center in Seoul and Chungcheungnam-do. The collected data were analyzed using simple regression and hierarchical multiple regression. The main results of this study were as follows. First, teachers` playfulness had a positive influence on their positive play beliefs. Second, teachers` playfulness had a positive influence on their teaching efficacy on play. Finally, effect of teachers` playfulness on their teaching efficacy on children`s play was totally mediated by their positive play beliefs. |
Key Words:
Playfulness in Teachers, Teaching Efficacy on Play, Teachers` Positive Play Beliefs |
교사 놀이성, 놀이교수효능감, 긍정적 놀이신념 |