유아의 자기통제력과 행동문제간의 관계에 대한 교사 -유아관계의 조절효과 |
김선희 |
The Moderating Effects of the Teacher-Child Relationship on the Relationship between Young Children`s Self-Control and Behavior Problems |
Sun Hee Kim |
Abstract |
This study investigates the moderating effects of the teacher-child relationship on the relationship between young children`s self-control and behavior problems. 150 young children aged 3, 4, and 5 and their 40 classroom teachers participated in this study. The results of this investigation reveal the following: (1) Young children`s self-control is significantly related to behavior problems. (2) The teacher-child relationship (conflict, dependence, intimacy) is significantly related to young children`s behavior problems. (3) The effects of self-control on young children`s anxiety and withdrawal behavior are significantly moderated by conflict driven teacher-child relationships. (4) The effects of self-control on young children`s aggression and impulsive behavior are significantly moderated by dependent teacher-child relationships. |
Key Words:
self-control, behavior problems, teacher-child relationship, moderating effect |
자기통제력, 행동문제, 교사-유아관계, 조절효과 |