순환학습 모형을 활용한 과학 교수법이 유아들의 창의성과 과학적 문제 해결력에 미치는 효과 |
정정희 , 박윤배 |
The Effectiveness of the Learning Cycle Model for Science Instruction: Preschool Children`s Creativity and Scientific Problem Solving Ability |
Chung Hee Chung , Yune Bae Park |
Abstract |
This study focused on the development and application of learning cycle model for promoting children`s creativity and problem solving ability. The learning cycle approach consists of four phases awareness, exploration, investigation, and concept application. The program consists of 20 scientific activities. A total of 70 children participated the 10 week program to examine the effectiveness of this model. The experimental design included a pretest, treatment, and posttest. Results showed that the experimental group children scored significantly higher on the creativity and problem solving tests in the posttest than the control group children. |
Key Words:
Learning Cycle Model, Creativity, Scientific Problem Solving Ability |
순환학습 모형, 창의성, 과학적 문제 해결력 |